Confession Tuesday

Even though it's Wednesday, we're calling this a Tuesday post. Any questions?

Onto the confessions ...

My little corner of the world has 8-10 inches of snow on the ground from two snow events in the last five days. I know other states are buried in snow, but I have to say I'm all set with the white stuff. Backbreaking to shovel. I'm afraid my next five poems will be about how much I hate snowblowers.


Yesterday, I decided to upgrade the software of my iPhone 4S to the new way cool version that came out a few months ago. I'm no good at upgrades. Something always goes wrong when I upgrade and yesterday was no exception. After a three-hour scramble looking for backups and passwords--just before a snowstorm--I got it done.

As I was on the phone with Apple, I kept thinking about Elizabeth Bishop's poem "One Art" and the line, "The art of losing isn't hard to master." While that may be true, Bishop never lost data. Never lost a password or a few thousand photos. Never worried about losing many, many contacts she put together year after year.

I managed to only lose photos (most of them were saved to Shutterfly), and some other notes. Though it wasn't a disaster, it sure felt like it at the time. On the upside, I had no more storage space. So this forced reset, in the long run, was a good thing.


I have written 79 poems this year! I'm guessing that close to one-third of them suck. Well, let's just say I probably won't revise the weakest ones. I think there are maybe three Juno poems in the bunch. So I'll spend the next few days reflecting on the year that was, and looking forward to 2014.


As my reward for finishing up grading, I will treat myself to an afternoon at Starbucks. I'd like to top out at 80. Time to get crackin'!



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