September To-Do List
August has been a work-heavy month. Not much poetry happening for me, at least it didn't feel that way. But now that I have this long, luscious weekend ahead of me, I'm overjoyed to get back to poetry and my famous to-do list.
- Find a poem to read at the October inauguration of Babson's new president.
- Write a poem a week. Time to get back into a routine. I seem to do better with pressure so maybe I should get back to writing a poem a day.But for now, I just need to put pen to paper and write.
- Start working on poetry project for manuscript #2. OK, I've put this one off because it involves research. But I'd like to complete this new section of poems by the end of the year.
- Submit! Submit! Submit! At some point this week, I realized that I don't have many poems in circulation. Since my book comes out next year, it would be nice to have some poems in print before the book's release. So I'm looking to submit to four journals/poetry projects this month.
- Add bio to blog. I think I need to put it somewhere on the site, somewhere that I can update.
If you post a to-do list on your blog, let me know because I'm curious to see what's on your list.
Kay, thanks for the words of support. It's a big deal for me so I hope I don't screw it up.
Nic, yes, submitting and getting organized is my goal for this week.