Maria Shiver's eulogy of her mother - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

I was deeply touched by Maria Shiver's eulogy of her mother, Eunice Kennedy Shiver, especially these lines:

"Now if you had told me a few years ago that at the end of my mother's life she and I would sit in a room and just be, I would have said you were crazy. If you had told me that at the age of 52, I would finally get up the nerve to crawl into bed with my mother, hold her, and tell her that I love her, I would have said you were nuts. And if you had told me that Mummy and I would write poetry together, I would know for sure you that you'd lost your mind. But all those things really happened, as Mummy learned to let go."

Maria includes her poem at the end of the eulogy.

Maria Shiver's eulogy of her mother - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

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Color Online said…
Beautiful eulogy. Maria is like her mother, amazing.

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