
“I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.”

I seem to be on a Walt Whitman kick these days.

It’s feast or famine with me—and today was a feast! I received proofs of Underlife! It’s so pretty! Can’t tell you how good it feels to hold these poems in my hands.

Also, I received a proof for a poem I have in an upcoming issue of The MOM Egg, and copies of CKP Newsletter arrived. This issue features a conversation with Joseph Legaspi and me talking about our books. When its posted on the CKP Web site, I’ll let you know. Lastly, I confirmed that I will be reading with Afaa Michael Weaver on February 25 at Salem State College.

Today was a good day.


Recently, I watched Dead Poets Society on a movie channel. Did you know that the film is 20 years old? I wonder writers view the movie as cheesy or as a sentimental favorite. In any case, here’s one of my favorite scenes, featuring Ethan Hawke and Robin Williams. Enjoy.


Jessie Carty said…
that does make me feel a bit old to know that movie is 20 years old! But I still love it :)
January said…
Yes, it freaks me OUT! Seems like the movie came out yesterday.

Also recently saw Field of Dreams and Wall Street, two other movies from the same time period. Amazing.
Writer Bug said…
Congrats January! So much awesomeness!
Maya Ganesan said…
Congrats on Underlife and your acceptance in MOM!

(Love the post title, by the way.) :)

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