Improbable Places Poetry Tour

Can you guess the location/theme for the second stop on the poetry tour?
Improbable Places Poetry Tour
The YMCA Swimming Pool
Wednesday, December 8
6:30–7:30 p.m.
245 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA
What's this tour all about? Well, it's Montserrat College of Art's way of bringing together student writers, local poets, area businesses, and enthusiastic listeners to celebrate the power of poetry and community. Each month a new venue and theme will be selected. This month's venue is an indoor swimming pool!
Did you say swimming pool? That’s right, folks. The theme is water. Got a poem about a lifeguard? An ode to Esther Williams? That first swim? Floating, sinking, synchronized swimming … the second tour stop is all about the life aquatic.
Hey, I've got a poem about water. Can I read it? We are accepting submissions via e-mail at and in Writing Center, located on the 2nd floor of Montserrat’s library. The deadline is Friday, December 3. We'd love to read your work!
I don't have a poem about water. Can I still attend the event? Absolutely! Come and listen and cheer on the readers. The lifeguard is on duty, so suit up and swim in the warmest pool in town. Dangle your feet in the water or take a dry seat on the bleachers. Most importantly, come check out what the writers of your community are up to!
Wait! I've still got questions! Just talk to Colleen Michaels, Montserrat's Writing Center Director. She's at or 978-921-4242 ext. 1254.