Confession Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, folks. Time to fess up! Share a little of yourself with us and we promise to do the same.


Recently, I've been hearing the frustration from many of my poet friends who have had their manuscripts repeated rejected, or worse--ignored by publishers and contests.

We've all been there: the little rejection slips that seem to find us months after the deadline date. Many of my peers have abandoned current projects in favor of starting new work. I know some who are absolutely gun-shy when it comes to the process and won't subject themselves to the scrutiny. Publishing is painful and not for the thin-skinned.

It's depressing.

I consider myself someone who understands how the system works. I try to stay on top of changes in publishing trends. It doesn't make the submission process any easier for me. I get rejections like everyone else. What trend-watching does for me is help me to realize a balance between what's attainable and what's not.


All that being said, I feel I'm on a creative upswing. I feel buoyed by my local writing community with new energy and enthusiasm for the work. Moving toward warmer weather does a lot for improving my mood. I feel like I've been having these conversations with my poet friends and I don't feel alone in my efforts. And, the level of success (and success here is a relative term) we've achieved is notable and rewarding.

A rising tide raises all boats.


I wrote a much longer blog post this morning. But after getting the kids off to school and swinging by the grocery store, I thought better of it and whittled it down.


Not sure where any of this is coming from. Could be the rain.



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