Confession Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, folks. You know the drill.

(OK, I know it's Wednesday. But after a full day of yard work and running around with the kids, I was too pooped to post!)


Now that the kids are out of school, I'm trying to figure out what my writing life will look like during the summer. How can write new poems while enjoying the summer?

Over the years I have turned into a morning person. So rousing myself to leave my comfy bed at 5 a.m. shouldn't be a problem. But getting to bed by 11 p.m.? That's another story. What I hope to do is shut off the television (and email) an hour earlier and start reading novels again.


I've started writing my Juno Larcom poems. Never having written poems based on a historic figure, I'm having difficulty keeping the facts straight. Between the facts and the information I can glean from documents and books of the time, there are the leaps of imagination that I'm trying to polish into poetry. It's an interesting challenge, one that makes me feel as if I'm really pushing myself to do more. I just need to eke out an hour a day to create something substantial.

I have 42 other poems written. Too early to call it a manuscript.

Summer goals? Write 10 poem Juno poems before my time at the Fine Arts Work Center. Then take a break from the Juno work and write new work. Then, I head off to Millay Colony for a week of writing and revision. That's where I'll take a serious look at all of my work to see if I'm ready to put together my next book.


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