Sunday Scribblings: Two Peas in a Pod


One day, this boy will take the car for a spin. He'll go to college, meet a girl (lots of girls), land a good job, move from city to city to city, meet "the one," get married, have babies, and, with any luck, get the chance to hold his son in a photo like this while on vacation. One day, our boy will find this photo and show it to his son and daughter and say, "That's my dad. He's a great father." And he'll say that not because of the photo, but because he'll realize that all the little things--from playing baseball to walks around the block to the occasional "Time Out"--actually mean something. That all of these moments make a life.

One day, we'll be there as our son raises his own beautiful peas and makes a pod for his family. (Gosh, I guess that means we'll be grandpeas someday!)

Happy Birthday, Tim. You're a terrific father. Where does the time go?


Kamsin said…
Such a cute picture! Thanks for sharing about your peas!
January said…
Gosh Tara (Paris), after reading your post mine seems so inconsequential.

Thanks for your comments. I do love my "crop of peas!"
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Laini Taylor said…
A lovely tribute, January, and a lovely family!
Alex S said…
You are so right. It is all the little moments that we don't realize til later that demonstrate just how committed and wonderful our parents really are. What a sweet photo! They both look so happy to be there together!
Dani In NC said…
The first thing I thought after reading this is, "I've got to read this to my husband." He loves his kids, but sometimes I don't think he realizes that kids grow up and remember all kids of little things that their parents did. We both need to be reminded to stop and create more good memories for our little ones and ourselves.
Susannah Conway said…
Oh this is so sweet - what a gorgeous family you have!
Deb R said…
Omigosh, where did you get that green spiky wig/hat/thingy? That is hilarious! What a great photo!! And what a lovely post.
Susannah Conway said…
ps just saw your other comment - no need to ask sweetie - looking forward to reading your answers! :-)
claireylove said…
Oh I just fell aroung laughing at that photo! I guess there's room for more than two peas in a pod!
Kristen said…
what a wonderful post this is! i came to you by way of DebR (of red shoe ramblings).
Anonymous said…
Another poet mom! Yaaay, go! Ain't that just the best way to be? Love your poems.
Love that photo! Such a silly goose! You're soooo right, our kids will grow up, go on and look back and say 'what great parents I have!" Or "What were they THINKING?" depending on which type of parent you are! creating time for the little things is the key! ;)
Have a lovely weekend!
Kim said…
Lovely post and what a wonderful photo! Beautiful!
Anonymous said…
What gorgeous peas you have. And I'll bet you'll make a fabulous grand-pea one day. *L*

Deirdre said…
They grow up so fast. I think you'll be wonderful grandpeas someday long down the road. How sweet this picture is, your two peas.
wendy said…
Mydaughter has one of those sqishy stretchy things too.and still manages to fit her 13 year old head in it...somehow...I love the Glee on their faces...The glee of Pea!! Faces to love!

Kay Cooke said…
So cuuute! Both!!!
Cate said…
Happy birthday to your wonderful guy! Love the picture and the tribute! You're all blessed to have each other!

P.S. Still cracking up over the term "grandpeas!"
writingblind said…
This is so sweet, and they're co cute! How lucky you are to have them.
Sangindiva said…
Awww! You have beautiful Peas!

Happy Birthday to Papa Pea :)
Awwwwwwwwwww, this is definitely a Hallmark precious moment

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