Confession Tuesday

Happy first Tuesday of June! Share a little of yourself with us and we promise to do the same.

I love this photo.

This pic, taken by the beautiful and talented Jennifer Jean, was from Mass Poetry's in-school day of poetry at Masconomet Regional High School. It was a terrific Friday event with nearly all seats filled. The students were open and ready to work, and we, the instructors, were blown away by the level of interest and talent. A good day of poetry all around.


Being on stage was an important moment for me--I could feel the energy shift toward the positive. A few weekends ago, I had received some criticism that caused me to step back and reevaluate a few things. In the grand scheme, it was a ripple. As the days progressed, I channeled my efforts into family, friends, and the work that matters. My life buoyed me, and that has made all the difference.

Writing the Maya Angelou article was an important part of the shift.

Lots of interesting projects and opportunities to collaborate popped up this past week. So if anything, I feel very grateful and open to more possibilities. I love when the universe calls. I'm listening, for a change.


"When people show you who you are, believe them."

--Maya Angelou


If I could describe this past weekend, I would call it kidtastic! Lots of kid-centric activities, including roller skating, little league baseball, and not one but two back-to-back sleepovers at our house. (Yawn!)  I'm still recovering.


This morning, I did an interview with Neil Silberblatt at Poet's Corner on WOMR, which will air in a few weeks (Thanks, Neil). And next week, I'm going to be on a news quiz show with Jill McDonough next Friday on WGBH (Oh, good lord). Will give details a little closer to the event.


One last story. A few months ago, I submitted poems to a journal I love. And, I heard back from someone one the editorial staff asking to clarify a title of one of my poems. I had submitted the poem with a typo in the title (Doh!). While I would love for my work to be published in this journal, I'm just blown away that the editor checked in. Most of the time, it seems as if submitted poems are read by interns. So it did my heart good to hear from the editor.


"When the universe calls you, listen."

-- January Gill O'Neil


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