Mr. Incredible Turns Three

Happy Birthday, baby boy! My sweat pea. My bug.
I can’t believe you’re three years old. Promise me you’ll stay a boy a little while longer. Mommy can’t handle thinking about the first day of school yet.
The world is a much funnier, happier place with you in it. You never cease to amaze me, like last night when you crawled into our bed for the first time because you wanted to be near your daddy. You are so full of surprises.
Today is your day, Alex. Eat all the cupcakes you can. Drink lots of juice. Run run run until you can’t run anymore. Later, we’ll enjoy fine dining at Chuck-E-Cheese’s and have more cake and ice cream. And the presents—let’s not forget the presents. When it’s time for you to go nite-nite, I’ll tell you the story of the prince who ate all the apples in the kingdom, the story you and I make up as we go along.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Incredible. Mommy loves you.

That little boy of yours is just TOO cute! :-)