New Poem

... sort of.

I just got some not-so-great news from a friend. So this is just me riffing.

Valentine (Belated)

My love for you is an act of faith, like a shadow slipping around a shadow,
like a confection, like eating my heart out, like a comma, like a gemstone,
like a slip knot, like vocabulary, like wild patience, like rock salt, like cast iron, like silkworms, like a big city with narrow streets, like humidity, like onomatopoeia, like departures, like arrivals, like onions, like what’s not but what is, like brevity, like echo, like travel, like from this day forward, like sickness, like health, like death, like parting, like amen.


Kay Cooke said…
That is beautiful. My but you're poetry is growing from strength to strength my friend. That laureateship's in the air, for sure.
January said…
You are very sweet. I do see in a change in my work, for the better. It's nice to have you and others in my corner when I post poems like this.

Thanks, CB.

Deirdre said…
I like this - a lot. It's going to stay with me today.
Very well said my dear ;-)
This is as good as anything I've ever read! I can hardly wait to hold your book in my hand....I hope your friend is OK.
Love this--the rhythm...the line "like what's not but what is" (ah, that one got me). Hoping all is well...
Ananda said…
like i love this poem like i love sunny days like because it reminds me that poetry is just what comes from our souls at any given moment like when we say amen.
January said…
Thanks Ananda (and everyone). I appreciate the kind words.

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