Salem Kickoff to Massachusetts Poetry Festival

How lucky to be included with these poets!

The North Shore was one of eight venues across the state kicking of the second annual Massachusetts Poetry Festival. It was a packed house in Salem, as we read poems by Massachusetts poets along with a few of our own. The evening was hosted by J.D. Scrimgeour (front, right center, green sweater) and Claire Keyes (second row, right, red jacket).

I felt very connected to the larger poetry community standing with these established authors, while reading the poems of those who came before us. Last night, we were all reminded of Massachusetts' long and rich literary history. It was great fun listening to the poems chosen and the stories behind their choosing.

Here's the list of readers (in alpha order) and the poets we choose:

Rufus Collinson (Mary Oliver)

Bill Coyle (Richard Wilbur
Amy Dengler (Rhina Espaillat)
Diane Kendig (e.e. cummings)
Claire Keys (Sylvia Plath)
Ruth Maassen (Erica Funkhouser)
Rich Murphy (Alan Dugan)
Me (Elizabeth Bishop)
Dan Sklar (Frank O'Hara)
Suellen Wedmore (Anne Sexton)

My apologies to Bill Coyle (far right in photo) for getting cut out of the picture. What can I say, I didn't take the picture. (Sorry Bill. *sigh*)

Check out the Mass Poetry Web site for the weekend schedule. Hope to see you there.


Jessie Carty said…
what poems did you read by Bishop? I just love her work!

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