Confession Tuesday

Happy Confession Tuesday! Share a little of yourself with us and we promise to do the same.

I am recovering from my birthday celebration that I extended through the weekend. Woo hoo!

The photo is from a party thrown for me by Danielle Jones-Pruett and Colleen Michaels. It was FABU! The last party thrown for me happened when I was 30. Since then, I've thrown more kids parties than I care to remember, so it was nice being the guest of honor for a change. I like being special every once in a while.

Special thanks to all who came, and, of course, to Danielle and Colleen!


Earlier in the day, my friends Suzie and Tom took me out for an extravagant day of eating, shopping, and looking for Oprah, who was (reportedly) staying at the Four Seasons. No sign of Oprah. *sigh* Afternoon tea, anyone?


I am 44. If I add those two numbers together, 4+4 = 8, my favorite number and the symbol for infinity turned on its side (Thanks, Schoolhouse Rock!). Feeling lucky and blessed these days.


I have an amazing amount of stuff going on right now. None of which I can talk about yet, all of which is exciting.


Unfortunately I've pushed off a lot of writing lately, including this blog. Why is it that I push off writing--maybe the most central part of who I am? Writing poetry is at the core of my being, yet I am constantly denying that part of myself to take care of everything and everyone else.

I understand that life is like a game of Whack-a-Mole. Most days I'm standing over a plastic mole with a big-ass mallet ready to beat down whatever has sprung out of the ground. Something else pops up and derails my day, I am bringing the hammer down. Very reactionary. And even when I procrastinate, put off, and delegate work, I am still trying to kill the moles ... something like that.


Part of me likes the mallet, I must admit. It's very empowering.


Not sure what any of this means, other than tomorrow is a new day. And I can change its trajectory just by stepping into my day rather than running from it.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!


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