NaPoWriMo 13
Throwing a Pot
The trick is to know where you’re going
before you begin. Wet your hands.
Feel the floor with the souls of your feet
as you move the hard clay toward
the body. Your hands are the guide.
Here, there is no air—you must wedge
the clay to rid it of what remains,
always moving toward the center.
Feel yourself glide around the outside
of the surface, spinning with the wheel
because speed and pressure will cause it to open.
You know this. Here, you can raise walls
with just your fingers. Hold it with a little give,
allow yourself this moment before the making begins.
The trick is to know where you’re going
before you begin. Wet your hands.
Feel the floor with the souls of your feet
as you move the hard clay toward
the body. Your hands are the guide.
Here, there is no air—you must wedge
the clay to rid it of what remains,
always moving toward the center.
Feel yourself glide around the outside
of the surface, spinning with the wheel
because speed and pressure will cause it to open.
You know this. Here, you can raise walls
with just your fingers. Hold it with a little give,
allow yourself this moment before the making begins.