Dodge Poetry Festival Schedule

Check out the events schedule for the Dodge Poetry Festival.

I haven't had a chance to check out the whole schedule yet, but here's the list for the poetry sampler. On Friday, September 29, these poets will read back to back in 10-minute intervals.

12:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Ekiwah Adler-Beléndez
Taha Muhammad Ali
(with Peter Cole)
Lucille Clifton
Billy Collins
Toi Derricotte
Mark Doty
Jorie Graham
Linda Gregg
Tony Hoagland
Linda Hogan
Ko Un
(with Richard Silberg &
Kyeong-Soo Kim)
Kurtis Lamkin
Andrew Motion
Taslima Nasreen
Linda Pastan
Gerald Stern
Sekou Sundiata
Brian Turner
Anne Waldman

I'm quite dizzy with anticipation!


Anonymous said…
I want to hear about them all! Really hope you can blog while you are there. - Nic
mareymercy said…
Wow - an impressive lineup! You're going to come back soooo inspired.
claireylove said…
a couple of big names then, might just hold your interest ;-)
January said…
I wish you all could join me but I promise to document as much as I can while I'm there.

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