How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways
20 Things I Love About Tim

(Yes, I could have called the list 1000 Things I Love About Tim, but I had to cap the list somewhere.)

(Yes, I could have called the list 1000 Things I Love About Tim, but I had to cap the list somewhere.)
- I love that we met in New Orleans in 1996 at F&M Patio Bar. You asked your best friend talk to one of my friends, so you could talk to me.
- I love that our first dance was on top of a pool table. Ahhh … memories!
- Even though I lived in NYC and you lived outside of Boston at the time, you would drive 3½ hours to visit, sometimes within a 24-hour period.
- I love that because you introduced me to the Boston Red Sox, you come to poetry readings and plays with me.
- I love that I was right about how great a father you’d be.
- You are always the smartest one in the room. And, your natural ability and curiosity makes you a lifelong learner.
- My mother always said that I should either have a lot of ambition or marry someone who does—I lucked out on both accounts. Never have I been more certain of that as when you stared your own business last year. I love that with careful thought and planning, you decided to take a chance. Most important, you’re running your business debt-free, which means your business will grow a little slower, but you’ll never put our family at risk financially.
- I love that you taught our son how to make a toast. Gives me great pleasure to watch you two clink glasses. You say, “Cheers!” He says, “To Health!” I don’t even think he knows what that means.
- I love that in bed you rub your feet together to help fall asleep.
- I love your kisses.
- I love that you give me enough room to be myself.
- I love that being an interracial couple has never been an issue for us, and we’ve managed to surround ourselves with people who accept us without question.
- I love watching Ella pull herself up using your leg to steady herself. It’s comforting to know you’ll always be there for her.
- I know you think about your father often, who passed a year before we were married. But I think if he were here, he’s tell you how proud he is of you, and how he couldn’t have asked for a better son.
- I love that you have strong opinions about politics, and while we don’t always agree, you keep putting those ideas out there.
- You cook, clean, and change diapers.
- You are in denial about your bald spot.
- I love the way your mind works. You look at problems from all sides and try to find the most equitable solution for everyone.
- I love that you are extremely helpful to our neighbors. You are the one cutting grass in the summer and snowblowing in the winter. You are a throwback to how it used to be when people could depend on one another in times of need.
- You never give up.
Happy Anniversary, Tim. Here’s hoping the next 55 years are as good as the first five.
I love you.

many happy returns :-)