Confession Tuesday

Happy Summer! Happy Tuesday! Welcome to Confession Tuesday! Share a bit of yourself with us and we promise to do the same.

The Summer o' Fun has begun!

It's been a while since I posted a picture of the kids on my blog. I'm not allowed to say the "S" word in my house (school!). This picture was taken at one of our many rocky beaches in the area. The water was c-h-i-l-l-y! But it was nice and, more important, it's a preview into how I expect the rest of the summer to be: full of exploration and fun.

In a few weeks, we're off on a big adventure. But for the most part, with the exception of a few summer camps, it will be the three of us. Now that Alex's little league baseball season is over, our days have completely opened up. My hope is that we all get to do to the things we love. For me, that means spending time with my family AND writing.


I've been taking time for myself before 9 a.m. I like working in the mornings--that's when I'm the most productive. The kids are now old enough to pour a bowl of cereal or get a glass of OJ, so I'm not on call first thing, which is great! I've been able to cross a few deadlines off this list. Yahoo!

Of course, the rest of the day turns into to kidstown: play dates, baseball, bikes, ice cream, etc. But the hours that frame the day are mine.


Hello, Binders!


Still in revision mode with manuscript three, while gearing up marketing and promotion with book two. It's a weird but good place to be.


Kids are I are reading The Hunger Games series in our family summer book club. My son's obsessed with the movies.


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