Checking in

After a much-needed break, I’m back in the blogosphere with nothing on my mind but poetry. This break reminded me how much I enjoy being Poet Mom and running this blog. Lots of busy work going on behind the scenes here, here, and here on a project to keep the poetry love thang going once Poetry Thursday shuts down.
If you have been waiting for one of my extra-special poetry postcards, wait no more. Check your mailboxes this week for a special delivery from yours truly. Admittedly, I freaked out when I had to write so many new poems. And the ones I did mail came back returned (I really shouldn’t put my return address on a postcard.). If you’d like to receive a postcard in September, e-mail me at for more information.
I am bursting at the seams with all things poetry, so hold onto your hats—September will be a busy month.
Stay tuned.
And we'll definitely have brunch in September.
I may just e-mail you about it when I get back