Poem for Poetry Thursday

Oh hell. This feels like a death.
That being said, the debt of thanks I owe to Liz and Dana and the Poetry Thursday community cannot be repaid. I’ve posted more than 70 poems because of Poetry Thursday—more that I had written in the 10 years prior to 2006. I managed to complete a manuscript and co-found a literary reading series. I’ve developed relationships beyond the computer screen—all because of this deep, abiding love of poetry. All because Liz and Dana said that poetry matters.
Thank you, ladies. Thank you.
Because this feeling of community is so important, I am working with Dana, Jim, and Melissa to bring something new and innovative to the blogosphere. Our goal is to have it up and running next week. In the meantime, here’s my last poem for Poetry Thursday. It’s an oldie but one that is close to my heart. I am honored to share it with you on Poetry Thursday.
High above the treetops’ skeleton arms and bare fingertips,
large, white birds soar and glide in conversation with the air.
Are they angels flying in the formation of a cross,
their wings extended and exposed under the afternoon sky?
You and I have chosen a sullen life. We rattle our cages,
bite the bell, every feather of our fiery wings clipped.
As the curtains grow pale, we look through layers of light
while something in the world flies away from us.
I look forward to the unveiling of the new poetry project.
i don't know why I always far in love with one phrase...
but i'd pick that one..and take it to feather my nest....anyday!
and perfect for the occasion.
i am having trouble posting my comment at PT but it's up!
bite the bell, every feather of our fiery wings clipped."
I can relate to it so much.
Can't wait to see what you guys have in store for the next project.
I am so looking forward to what's coming up! Thanks!
The loss of this poetry site is sad but the new poetry site brings excitement!
I, too, am so looking forward to seeing what the new venture is. And Thanks for putting your energy into it.
Loved the poem. As I always do! Hope you are well rested and inspired!
can't wait to see what the new project is.
And thanks for going forward with B*PP. I can hardly wait. It has kept me from being completely sad about PT.
Thanks a lot, with best wishes
Erhard H.J. Lang
P.s.: the poem in which you and your interesting are mentioned may be found at