Give a Hoot!

Is it more enjoyable to go to a large reading with a full audience or be a part of a small, intimate gathering of poets? Today I was privy to the latter as host of the Super Hoot, an annual event sponsored by the Frost Foundation.

The Super Hoot showcases the poetry of the winners and honorable mentions of The Eagle Tribune’s Spring Poetry Contest. An open mike and reception was also part of the festivities. Last year, I was one of the contest winners.

While this year’s Hoot was not well publicized, the audience was a generous one. I was deeply honored to host, and just downright lucky to hear the work of this year’s winners firsthand.

Whenever I hear talk of poetry as a dying art, events like this prove that assumption wrong. Poetry lives among everyday people who just enjoy the sheer act of reading and writing a poem. Today was a celebration of some of this year’s best poetry north of Boston.


Anonymous said…
So cool! I'm glad you hosted. That's awesome.

Hope you're having a wonderful Mother's Day, Mamma!
January said…
Hope you're having a great day, too, Baby Mama!
Ananda said…
happy mother's day. you are always amazing me with the poetry events you attend. i am glad you were able to attned the give a hoot event. sounds marvelous. i have missed reading your blog, but i am glad to be back to it. also, i listed you as one of the poetry sites on my new social networking site - scroll down to the section that lists bap living links. look for the title - poetry and art.
peace and poetry, ananda

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