December To-Dos

This week
*Attend Mary Oliver reading, and write up a review for Poetry Thursday
*Write a poem
*Collect manuscript comments from readers
*Send out manuscript to two more readers

Week 2
*Write a poem
*Make list of places to submit manuscript
*Send poems to three different publications
*Read David Tucker’s Late for Work

Week 3
Write a poem
Update 2007 booklist

Ho Ho Ho
*Show my parents my manuscript (YIKES!)
*Write a poem while my parents are staying with us for Christmas (yeah, right!)
*Spend alone time with Tim since we’ll have in-home babysitters
*Enjoy Christmas with my beautiful, loving, supportive family.

Happy New Year!
*Blog like it’s going out of style
*Make final manuscript changes before sending out in January
*Try not to get too sappy about how much blogging has meant to me in 2006
*Brace myself for the onslaught of the “January” jokes.

Now the only thing I didn't do on my November to-do list was send poems out to publications. My fear of failure--rather, my fear of success--prevents me from sending out to journals and magazines, I think. In any case, I'll give it another try this month.

I'm looking forward to tonight's Mary Oliver reading--can't wait to share my thoughts with you for Poetry Thursday.


Anonymous said…
Totally hanging on the edge of my seat to hear about the Mary Oliver reading. You are SO lucky!

Anonymous said…
Yikes, showing parents your manuscript will be an interesting event...

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