Letter Meme
Last week, I was tagged by BostonErin for this letter meme. At least Writer Bug had the letter J. But O is hard!
10 wonderful things that start with O:
10 wonderful things that start with O:
- O’Neil, my last name. Okay, this one I stole from Bug but it’s applicable.
- Oprah. She rocks my world! So does O magazine.
- Sharon Olds, my former professor and mentor. Also rocks my world.
- Obi–Wan Kenobi, aka Sir Alec Guinness (Ewan McGregor is okay, but not as good as the original.)
- One.org
- Orange Juice. Tropicana Pure Premium, some pulp.
- Oak trees.
- Ohio. A big swing state in this year’s election.
Off the Wall by Michael Jackson. Look at that album cover. Michael, what the hell happened?
- Okra. Probably the only vegetable I’ve written poems about. Maybe I should branch out to sweet potatoes.
Five bad things that start with O:
- October…everything dies in October. Not even a good holiday to lessen the blow.
- The OC. Is that still on the air?
- Bill O’Reilly
- OG—slang for “original gansta.”
- The word "over"; rather, its constant misuse. Over refers to spatial relationships: Let’s fly over the Grand Canyon. With numerals, I see this a lot: I won’t pay over $200 for an iPod this year. It’s better to use “more than” in such cases: If it costs more than $10 to see a movie, I’m not going. You get the idea.
I don’t believe in tags so if you feel like trying this meme, consider yourself tagged. You take letter P. Then pick five friends and have them work through letters Q-U.
Insert tears streaming down face!
It is on, Mr. Poetmom! It's on like a MoFo!
(Are you sure it isn't OVER like a mo'fo?)