Sunday Scribblings: Passengers

"There are passengers, and then there are drivers." How many times have I asked someone else to take the wheel for me. I’m a big fan of the phrase, “If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.” Yes, to my great surprise, blogging has led to the most productive, most creative time in my life.

Last December, I wrote down my new year’s goals (because I don’t believe in resolutions), thinking this year I’d give my writing top priority. With two kids under four and a two-hour commute daily, I thought there would be no possible way to write on a regular basis, much less publish or put together a manuscript. But then I started blogging, and my life became all about me again.

I’m leery of the word “suddenly,” because things rarely happen all of the sudden—usually we’re given signs. But in April, after just a few blog posts, suddenly, my days were more than just the same old same old. I wrote poetry. And then my poetry tuned into essays and lists and memes and photos. Now I have a completed manuscript; and, more importantly, I can see poems everywhere. Seems as if I am just starting to tap into my imagination, as well as the wonderful words and art of my fellow bloggers. What a fine fraternity (hmmmm … sorority) we make up in the blogosphere.

Coincidentally, yesterday I was driving to Boston, reflecting on what an incredible year this has been creatively. So I will close with a few photos from the afternoon, which I consider a visual representation of poetry. Keep in mind, I was driving when I took two of them—now I’m sure that was a sign of good things to come.

For more drivers, visit Sunday Scribblings.


ren powell said…
I am envious of your photography skills. - Interesting what you say about blogging. I still haven't made up my mind about how it's affecting my creativity or productivity. I trashed my first blog in a fit of insecurity- 1. thinking am I doing overriding the editors who reject my work and 2. "serious" writers don't blog. What poppycock both, I know. But it niggles at me still. Your posts help :-)
Laini Taylor said…
It's wonderful to hear how blogging has had such a positive effect on your creativity and writing! I am glad to hear it, and I feel the same way -- I'd been writing regularly before I started blogging, but only on my novel. Blogging has opened up a whole world of other kinds of writing.
Catherine said…
I agree with you that blogging increases creativity - I think I am starting to notice my life much more since I started blogging. As for writing time, being a passenger can help! My daughter gets a lot of writing done on her laptop in cars (as a passenger) and in buses.
I love the first photo particularly.
claireylove said…
I can only echo your post with a 'Hear! hear! That's me too!'
love your urban picture poems too x
January said…
ren.kat: Photography skills? Ha! I’m using the cheapest digital camera on the market.

I think that while some publishers may not take my work because I post them on the blog, many journals are now taking simultaneous submissions. And more and more established writers are starting blogs as a way to keep in touch with their fan base between books.

Laini: Sunday Scribblings is a huge part of my weekly writing routine. I am indebted to you and Meg for the chance to stretch my wings.

Tara, the feeling is mutual. I love reading your perspective on the world.

Catherine: I think you're right; I have started to notice my life more than ever. And I forgot that I used to take a 30-minute train ride into work, so I did get a lot of work done as a passenger.

BB: "Urban picture poems"--I like that phrase!
mareymercy said…
I think blogging has added a new dimension to my writing, too, as well as given me an opportunity to communicate with others outside my "bubble." Thanks for posting your reflections!
Deirdre said…
Blogging has opened a new world for me too. I write all the time - while I drive, wash dishes, sweep, shower. The time I spend reading other peoples posts teaches me so much. I'm grateful that I've stumbled into this tribe and found writers like you.
January said…
Deirdre: the feeling is mutual!
Deb R said…
LOVE the photos, especially the first one. And how cool that blogging has been key to accomplishing so many things. Yes!!
Kamsin said…
I totally agree that blogging allows you to take the drivers seat and be in control of your own need to create and write. Really great take on the prompt!
Emily said…
I have also found that the more I write the more poems seem to appear. Great photos!

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