Sunday Scribblings: Mornings

Sunday mornings seem more chaotic than the rest of the week. My husband and I (pictured left) try to stay in bed as long as possible but with two kids under three-years old, that's never easy. However, I usually get to sleep in since I take the kids on Saturday.

But I have a few quiet moments now, so here are a few things I'm grateful for on Sunday mornings.

1. Ella now sleeps in her own bed. She slept with us until she turned one year old. And while we enjoyed having her with us, we missed stretching out. In fact, the only one stretching out was Ella who liked to lay horizontally between us.

2. A hot cup of tea with lemon and sugar that my husband brings to me once he's settled the kids.

3. The Sunday Boston Globe. Rarely do I read the newspaper during the week, but I know I've had quality time to read when my fingers are covered with newspaper ink.

4. Pancakes. My son likes to read the ingredients (well, he shows me the pictures on the back of the box), and flip the pancakes on the griddle. If one day Alex came to me and said he wanted to be a chef, I'd be ecstatic.

5. Sunday Scribblings. This one goes without saying. But since I write a lot of poetry, the chance to express myself in essays and musings has been immensely rewarding.

6. Starbucks. Later this morning, I'll sneak out while the kids nap and write a poem. Or read. Or people watch. Doesn't matter what I do--it's my time and I protect it tooth and nail.

7. Late morning walks. We haven't done this in a while, but it's probably time for us to start stretching our legs after being couch potatoes all morning! (Pun intended.)


Deb R said…
Great list and I love the stunning portrait of you and your husband. :-)
wendy said…
yummy pancakes! Unfortunately, not on Oprah's diet thingie I'm trying..Eat some for me my friend!
Becca said…
Sounds like a great morning! I'm saying "yes" to the horizontal sleeper now in her own bed (had one of those myself~:"yes" to the Sunday paper and late morning walks~"yes" to time on your own in Starbucks~and of course, "yes" to Sunday Scribblings :)
Writer Bug said…
I love how you and Mr. Potato Head give each other personal time away from the babies. You're a model of parenting while keeping your self nurtured.
TI said…
Your Sunday mornings sound just wonderful. Pancakes are the perfect Sunday choice!
Catherine said…
Those small treats are all the more rewarding when you don't get them often. I loved the "portrait" of you and your husband!
Kim G. said…
A cup of hot tea and the Sunday paper is one of my favorite morning activities as well. A treat for a busy mom - tell Mr. Potato head, well done, well done good sir!
January said…
Thanks everyone! Hope you're enjoying the day with your potato head nearby.
gkgirl said…
sigh...i feel
relaxed having just
read about your sunday morning
and great photo
Deirdre said…
Sounds like a perfect Sunday morning. I feel the same about newspaper ink on my fingers - it means I've luxuriated in paper and tea.
Emily said…
great potato head photo and sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday

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