Confession Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone! If truth is stranger than fiction, then this is your chance to prove it. Fess up! And let me know so we can add your name to The Confessional.

Been feeling off kilter lately. Haven't been writing or working out. Sometimes it's good to take a break but now it's time to get back on track. What does that mean, you ask? Here's my schedule when I'm movin' and groovin' during the week.

5 a.m. – Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.

5:10 a.m. – Get up. Change for gym. Eat a banana or carrots on the way. At gym by 5:20. (Today I was there at 5:25 a.m.)

5:50 a.m. – Back home, out the door by 6:15 a.m. On the mornings that I don't work out, I try to write until I have to get ready for work.

7 a.m.–4-4:30-ish – The college I work at is on its summer schedule, so I work longer hours Mon-Thurs and off of Fridays.

5 p.m. – Pick up kids, spend some time with them and Tim before dinner. This is where I think I can fit in a little more fit time—a walk, playing catch, taking them to the park.

6:15 – 8 p.m. – Dinner, kids baths, bedtime. Also time for Red Sox baseball. (Go Sox!)

8:05 p.m. – Writing/blogging/organizing stuff for next day.

10 p.m. – In bed. Tim and I usually climb into bed with a cup of tea, watching the end of the game until 11-ish.


I'd much rather be a big ol' couch potato. Really—I could stay in bed all day watching TV if my schedule allowed. So if I don't impose some sort of structure, I lose time, which is just something I don't have enough of. Of course, who does?


We celebrated Tim's 40th birthday this past weekend—good time had by all. But my loving husband turned the tables by surprising me on Sunday with a picnic at the beach. And not just an ordinary picnic—he cooked lobster and mussels for our date. I think I'll keep Tim around another year! *smile*


In the midst of keeping our lives on track, we manage to take time out for each other. It hasn't always been this way, and it's never easy from week to week. But we try. We do what we can.


Nothing new on the book front. I would love to show you the book cover so I'm hoping that happens before summer's end. I did manage to send poems to one publication this week. I'll spend the rest of the month editing poems for a second manuscript.


Anonymous said…
I confess: I haven't been blogging as much as I like.

But I'm glad Tim had a good bday. Sunday must have been Lobsterfest Day because we had the same dinner as you!! YUM.
January said…
What? You haven't been blogging? It's not like you've been busy lately!!

How does Charlotte like her lobster?
Deb said…
Nice week; incredible dinner-date.

I've confessed (more or less), and so has WD...
Odessa said…
5 a.m. - wow! i could never wake up that early. and kudos to you for going to the gym regularly. i personally feel anxious going to one, but i think thats because the gyms in my neighborhoods are pretty much like bars, people go there to see and be seen.
Kay Cooke said…
I am in awe - in awe!!!!

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