Poetry Thursday Meme

I love memes, and ones that relate to poetry and writing are the best!

1. The first poem I remember reading/hearing/reacting to was …
Allen's Ginesberg's Howl resonated for me in college. It was the first poem I thought, "My god, you can say that in a poem?!" Prior to that, Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay--I remember because it was featured in the movie The Outsiders. In fact, it is the only poem I can recite by heart to this day.

2. I was forced to memorize (name of poem) in school and …
This is a soliloquy rather than a poem, from MacBeth (forgive the punctuation):

"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."
3. I read/don’t read poetry because …
Next to being a mom, it is my vocation. My life's work. I know this as sure as I am breathing.

4. A poem I’m likely to think about when asked about a favorite poem is …
Sharon Olds' The Takers; Phil Levine's The Simple Truth; Elizabeth Bishop's The Moose.

5. I write/don’t write poetry, but …
I don't write enough poetry consistently. But Poetry Thursday has helped with that considerably. For 2007, I want to write a poem a week, and a poem a day for National Poetry Month (April in the U.S.).

6. My experience with reading poetry differs from my experience with reading other types of literature …
There is no difference. I love it all and learn so much from other genres. But, as William Carlos Williams once said:

"It is difficult/ to get the news from poems/ yet men die miserably every day/ for lack/ of what is found there."

7. I find poetry …
as necessary as plasma.

8. The last time I heard poetry …
Was this morning on my iPod. There are plenty of downloads available from the Academy of American Poets' Poetcast to poetryfoundation.org's podcast.

9. I think poetry is like …
The best drug ever! Writing a good poem can be better than sex. Sometimes.

For more sound and fury, visit Poetry Thursday.


Anonymous said…
I'm going to check out the poetcast you mentioned
Deb R said…
I'm really enjoying reading everyone's answers to this!

Better than sex, huh? Really? Hhhmmm.... :-D
January said…
Yep. And I like both very much!
Unknown said…
This is great! Last year I tried writing a poem a day in April, but it had rained so much out here in the Northwest, I couldn't bring myself to feel anything but gray and depressed, so I gave up after five days. But maybe I will try it again!

I also listen to poems on my iPod - I got that Poetry Speaks compilation which has a ton of great work...there's nothing like hearing it in the poet's own voice, is there?
angie said…
*laughing* depends on the sex, right? And the poem! I enjoyed your answers, too - thanks for taking me back to "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and The Outsiders (wow) and reminding me of Bishop's "Moose".
BendingPeak said…
What a fun meme!!!
Catherine said…
I was just trying to remember that Williams quote today, so I'm very glad to see it here
ren powell said…
Thanks for the link to the podcasts!

So many people love the Moose- my favorite Bishop poem is In the Waiting Room. I'm going to have to give the Moose another look (I am partial to The Fish if I have to pick an animal poem of hers :-) )
January said…
I really like Bishop's "In the Waiting Room," too. And "Shampoo" and "Monuments" ... Oh, I could go on!
Anonymous said…
An interesting response to this meme (which seems to have spread like a cold through the poetry blogs!) 'Howl' turned me around completely when I was 16, transforming for me the possibilities of expressive language. It was years before I returned to the disciplines of meter!
Anonymous said…
Well, writing a good poem about sex is the bestest of all. ;)
Rethabile said…
"I find poetry …
as necessary as plasma."
This is a necessary definition of poetry.

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