2007 Goals

Happy 2007 everyone! Last year was such a good year, I'm not sure how I'm going to top it. This list is a step in the right direction.

1. Poetry Goals
  • Write a poem a week/52 poems
  • Revise and send out manuscript for publication
  • Publish poems in 8 journals/reviews/Web sites
  • Read 12 new poetry books this year, 6 by poets I haven't read before

2. Fitness Goals

  • Drop 8lbs
  • Take up tennis again. (I used to play when I was younger)

3. Learn How to Swim. Okay, this one could be a fitness goal but I think it's important enough to elevate to a separate goal. I can't even open my eyes underwater; I get weirded out just thinking about it.

4. Join a Church. I grew up Catholic but lost touch with the church. Now that I have kids, I hope to give them the structure and community support a good church can provide. But my husband and I have to find a sect that we both like. Doesn't have to be Catholic, just a religion that speaks to us. If we're going to devote hours a week then the priest should be engaging.

5. Save $100 a Month. Tim turns 40 in a few years and I'd like to be able to take him on a trip. I need to start saving now so I have some options.


Kay Cooke said…
I just love your goals. Hope they are all realised. Here's to a great year ahead, January. And thanks for your companionship and encouragement over 2006.
Cate said…
I love your goals, too, January. I'm looking forward to watching you etch a check beside each of them. Happy 2007!
Rethabile said…
Great goals, yes. The swimming one is important, and Tim's present is , too. My favourite is the 52 poems. Slurp!
January said…
The good part about the 52 poems goal is that I'll write a poem a day in April for National Poetry Month, also known as National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo)!

Happy New Year, Rethabile!
January said…
CB, the feeling is mutual. Happy 2007!

Cate, does this mean we'll be hearing more from you in the new year? I hope so.
Emily said…
Great goals...I like how they are specific. May they be achieved in this new year!
Anonymous said…
how well-rounded these are! and I can't wait for the 52 poems. I know we won't see them all, but can't wait for the peeks we get. And I read ahead to the next post about writing friends--let us in blogland know how we can help!
Catherine said…
National Poetry Writing Month sounds like a good idea - I might pretend it is "International" and join in (after all people round the world take part in NaNoWriMo). I hope you meet all your goals this year
Dani In NC said…
I wish you success with this year's goals. My only resolution this year is to not set any goals :-). The minute I set a goal or start making lists, I feel suffocated and sabotage myself so I don't achieve anything.

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