All Hallow's Eve

October. Happy to let go of this month. While it certainly was a time of great joy—from attending a wedding to going to Sesame Place amusement park with the kids—this is the second unproductive month in a row with my writing. My head knows that it’s been a busy time with family and work, but poetry is my center and I hate when I move away from my center.
With the onset of the many November National (insert-your-own-writing-event) Month tomorrow, I’m throwing my hat back in the ring. I don’t have it in me for a novel, so I’m locked into National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo. So as it the air gets colder, I will find a little solace here, here, and here, but always coming home to this blog.
Kid pics to come (and boy are they cute, cute cute!).
Happy Halloween!