A Few Random Thoughts After the Weddding

I have a good looking family! Alex looked amazing in his tux. Ella, who doesn’t wear many dresses, looked positively adorable in her cream-colored dress. And Tim looked handsome as we spent a great weekend in Philly to celebrate Big Al’s wedding. Lots of proud mama moments for me this weekend, especially because both kids were extremely well behaved all weekend!
It was great to see so many of my best friends at this wedding.
On Sunday, we went to Sesame Place in Philly. It was the first time we’ve taken the kids to an amusement park. But everything was kid sized, so it was perfect. After a long day doing wedding-related activities, we needed this day so we could all be kids again.
Poetry. Poetry. Poetry. Poetry. Poetry. It is the white noise humming inside my brain.
Got a rejection letter from Graywolf Press. I know it was a long shot, but I was encouraged by the length of time it took to review my manuscript. *sigh* Constantly putting myself out there only to be rejected is depressing.
I missed a workshop opportunity tonight with local writers. I really wanted to attend but I’m exhausted, haven’t written anything I’ve liked this month, and Tim came home late tonight from work so I was without a babysitter. Excuses. Excuses. I’ll definitely be there next month.
I’m in love with Facebook. It is my new obsession. I’m thrilled that so many bloggers are on the social networking site. Next I have to check out Linkedin.
Had the chance to start rereading Anne Sexton’s biography by Diane Middlebrook. It’s a gritty, unflinching look at the poet and housewife who left an indelible mark on poetry. Think about all the female poets who “go there,” to those dark yet truthful places we can only read about. Yeah, she started that.
I haven’t participated in Writers Island or the Traveling Poetry Show so I hope to do so this week.
Ending on a positive note, here’s a picture of Ella, Alex and me at Sesame Place.
'Course I also think a man in a tux is about the most sexy thing every. (That James Bond look! LOL)
Hugs to you about the manuscript rejection. I know it's little consolation, but the only way to acceptance is through taking the risk of those slim rejection envelopes.
Keep writing. Keep submitting.
Keep the faith.
rejection does sting. wish i had words that would keep you feeling confident and couragous. you are a fabulous poet. never forget that.
keep doing what you're doing brave poetess!
Anyway, we did miss you last night, but no worries.
Lovely family pictures!
Thanks for the kind words and the support.