NaPoWriMo 2009 Recap/Meme

A poem a day—was it as good for you as it was for me?

NaPoWriMo would not be complete without a little introspection on the process. Consider yourself tagged for this meme, and let me know that you’ve posted the answers on your blog/FB page. Congrats to all April participants and readers. We ROCK!

1. Number of poems written in April.
2. Number of poems you’ll keep and revise.
3. List the titles of your top-three NaPoWriMo poems.
4. List your three least-favorite NaPoWriMo poems.
5. Favorite line from one of your NaPoWriMo poems.
6. Notice any patterns?
7. What surprised you most about writing a poem a day?
8. Now that you have momentum, what’s next?

Here are my answers.

1. Number of poems written in April: 30

2. Number of poems you’ll keep and revise: 23

3. List the titles of your top three NaPoWriMo poems.
Advice for My Son Upon Entering Kindergarten
Zebra and Kissing at 40

4. List your three least favorite NaPoWriMo poems.
The New Thrift
The Problem with Change

5. Favorite line from one of your NaPoWriMo poems.
"Something inside/wants to get out—a love-growl, an engine/turning over and over/in the dark,"

6. Notice any patterns?
I stuck with free verse and did not attempt any patterns. Also, I used certain words repeatedly, like "rain," "dark," "itself," "stone," and "heart." When I was blocked, I fell back on nature as metaphor.

7. What surprised you most about writing a poem a day?
How easy it was to do this challenge. I mean, it was difficult getting behind as many as three poems at a time—playing catch-up is no fun. But I really enjoyed testing myself. Besides, it gave me a focus to distract from some other things going on in my life. Guess it was easier this time to lower my standards.

8. Now that you have momentum, what’s next?
Organizing the poems from this year and last into a kind a manuscript. Much revising ahead of me—I’ll take the month of May to do that. Also, I’ll jump back onto the submissions bandwagon, too.


Maya Ganesan said…
I've got to say I really enjoyed NaPoWriMo too. :) I've done the meme over at my blog.
Catherine said…
I have done the meme on my blog here

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