NaPoWriMo 7

(This poem comes from a Poetic Asides prompt to start a poem with the line, "The problem with XXX.")

The Problem with Change

The problem with change
is that you never see it coming
The world is silent and patient,
and still there is nothing to do
but forgive and start over,
to walk outside, let the wind
pull through your hair
like a comb. It whispers
its colorless, odorless breath
to the plants and trees,
hand-dipping everything
into a new season.


Maya Ganesan said…
WOW. I don't know that there's a way to describe the loveliness in words. This is PERFECT.

I wouldn't even be able to tell you my favorite lines because they're all just as amazing as the next. This is one of your best.
Odessa said…
i agree with Maya, this is loveliness.
chicklegirl said…
I really love this too; it's simple and profound.
January said…
Thanks ladies!

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