Confession Tuesday

Confession Tuesday

If it’s Tuesday, I must be confessing. Sorry I'm confessing late. Don’t forget to visit my fellow confessors in The Confessional.

Woo hoo! We’re halfway through National Poetry Month. I hope it’s been as good for you as it has for me.

There are many critics out there who say that poetry should not be relegated to one month. But it gives those of us who love poetry an opportunity to open up a dialogue with nonpoets about this topic. We get to celebrate with others. At no other time during the year are readings and events so plentiful. I *heart* National Poetry Month!


On Sunday, I wrote my NaPoWriMo poem so early that it gave me a chance to take an extended break and skip a day. Now, I’m two days behind. Yet I'm in great “poetry shape.” Maybe my standards for writing poems are lower. But I feel as if I can tap into this place and write about anything. I needed this.

My biggest fear is that I lose the intensity for writing poems after NaPo. This happened last year, which caused me to spiral into a non-writing cycle for most of 2008. It was so disappointing. So my task after April ends is to find a balance between writing and the rest of my life.


Lastly, I was sad to hear of the passing of poet Deborah Digges. She was my professor for a semester at NYU long ago. And there was a time when I interviewed with her for an adjunct teaching position with her at Tufts. Teaching wasn't my calling, and I think she knew that. But she was kind and generous with her time. And when a poet leaves us, the world gets a little smaller.


Deb said…
Sorry you lost a teacher, and we lost a poet. I've been reading some of her things. I love "Darwin's Finches."

Keeping the fire going is my hope, too, post-NaPo.

My confession is
chicklegirl said…
I feel so much better after reading your confessions because I'm in a very similar spot: feeling like I'm writing well, still two poems behind, but optimistic about finding balance after this crazy, marvellous month is over!

Confessions here, and NaPoWriMo here.
Catherine said…
I think it's brilliant that poetry gets a whole month in the USA - in New Zealand we have a National Poetry Day
January said…
Catherine, you'll have to know when National Poetry Day comes around in NZ so we can celebrate with you!
January said…
Chicklegirl, I'm still playing catch up! Hope to be back on track today. It's all good, though.

Deb, yes, I was sorry to hear of Digges' passing.

And yea for you for keeping up with NaPo.

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