NaPoWriMo 20

Chocolate Chip Pancakes, 7 p.m.

Tonight, we do dinner easy.
I take measuring bowls
from the cabinets,

mix Bisquick, egg, and milk
with a wooden spoon,
fold the batter

while semi-sweets
drop from Ella’s fingers.
Alex mans the griddle—

I hold his hand
as he flips with a spatula. Soon,
everything floats in a sea of syrup.

And my heart, full from laughter,
requires no napkin.
I lick happiness my fingers.


Maya Ganesan said…
Aw I love it! Glad to see you're catching up.
When I was a kid, my favorite dinners were when we had breakfast for dinner--usually when my mom forgot to leave out a hunk of meat to thaw (ah, the days before microwaves).

I love this poem, and also the one about finding, keeping and counting coins (great last lines in that one!).
January said…
Thanks Maya and Kristin. Catching up is hard to do.

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