Recipes for Poets

Deb Ager of 32 Poems is looking for recipes. I'm submitting something--maybe crab cake recipe?

*Here's my recipe for crab cakes, and a video!*


Time management is one of the most important (yet seldom discussed) aspects of being a poet or any kind of artist. Are your eyes glazing over because I wrote “time management”? Stick with with me a for a moment, please.

Since most poets have other work that takes their attention away from art, it’s important to have time management skills. One of the many ways I save time is by cooking healthy meals that do not take long to prepare.

For that reason, I invite you to join me (Deb Ager) in posting your favorite 20-minute (or so) recipe on May 20, 2011. Post your recipe to your blog or website. I will share all of the links in a big post here on the 32 Poems blog. To participate, please do the following by May 15, 2011 (thanks to Kelli Agodon for inspiration on the guidelines):

Recipes for Poets Guidelines

  • Create a blog post that lets people know you will participate. If you can, refer them to this post.
  • Leave me a comment on this post that includes your blog URL and name if you would like to participate.
  • On May 20th, post a recipe that takes 20-30 min (or less) to prepare on your blog or website.
  • It’s easiest if you place the recipe into the blog post you wrote above, so I’d already have the link for it. If you don’t want to do that, you can just send me the new link.
I will include a master list of all of the participating blogs right here on the 32 Poems blog.

Can I count on you? Are you in?


Anonymous said…
Glad to have you!


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