Ahhh ... Dodge

Dodge is the new black in our house.


mareymercy said…
That's right, get 'em started early...
Emily said…
Too cute!
che said…
is that a young mj II ?
January said…
Ella's more like a young Cheryl Swoops. If she's anything like her mother, she's be president of the high school in no time!
Writer Bug said…
OMG. HYour little poet is adorable!
Jim Brock said…

I'm getting caught up in my blog reading, believe it or not. Sounds like all things Dodge were very good for you!
January said…
Jim, Dodge was fun. Doesn't matter who is reading, being there just reminds me what's important. Being able to report back to the blogosphere added an extra element of excitement on my part.

Tell me, any plans to attend AWP in late Feburary?

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