Confession Tuesday

If you’ve got something to share, or confess, please leave a note for me or Carolee.

And now, onto the confessions…

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by Kristi’s blog, Goodnight Mom. Kristi’s daughter Eva is resting comfortably after surgery. Feel free to go by her blog and show support. And, wish happy birthday to Jack, who turns 4 on Tuesday.

For those who don’t know, Kristi, also known as Special K, is my best friend. I’ve known her from back in the day, circa 1987. Gosh, it’s been 20 years. Love to you, Kristi.

Eva’s experience brought me back to Ella’s heart surgery when she was two weeks old. And I live in fear that one day we’ll have to deal with some form of illness, but at this moment she is completely healthy and a genuine handful as the baby of the family.

Nothing makes you let go of your old self image more than watching your child face a life-threatening crisis. It stays with you forever. Kristi, just one more thing in common.


Speaking of surgery, my husband is having his ACL replaced on Wednesday. They’re taking a tendon from a cadaver and attaching it to his knee. I know this is done routinely and successfully, but the whole idea continues to freak me out. He damaged his knee playing basketball a few months ago; this after blowing out his Achilles tendon last year.
He’s in denial but after two injuries in two years, it’s time to give up hoops for something less strenuous, like darts.


On to something cheerier. Today, I looked at book cover options for my first collection!!! I narrowed down 20 options to around six. Soon I’ll send them to the publisher and maybe they can make the decision for me because I’m really having a hard time choosing a cover. They’re THAT good! Thanks EDS.

Tomorrow, I’ll send in final manuscript revisions to the publisher. Woo hoo!

Lastly, I registered here. How cool is that—I’m a registered poet! A photo and bio should be up soon.


Mary said…
Thanks for the information about Eva. I'm glad that the surgery went well. I hope Tim's surgery goes smoothly this Wednesday. Congratulations on your publishing success! By the way, I enjoyed your Valentine poem. I like how you started with "like faith" and ended it with "like amen." You're very talented.
January said…
Thanks Mary. Yes, good news about Eva. And today is Jack's birthday so they have lots to celebrate.

Hope all is well with you and your family.
Deb said…
I didn't realize Kristi is your friend. I just read a week's worth of post and was floored.

What you moms go through.

Nice registry! Congratulations.
Ditto. Everyone has said what I was going to say. Except maybe, wOOt!
Anonymous said…
I'll go by her site. Krisit has a great sense of humor. I love her confessions. How nice that a real life friend of yours blogs too.

Congrats on the book. When it is on the market I'll buy a copy, and request that my bookstore and library purchase one too. We'll start a brushfire campaign for poems and your poems in particular.
susan said…
Like Deb, I was floored by reading Kristie's blog. I am holding them all in prayer. You are a good friend.
Anonymous said…
good luck to tim tomorrow -- and good luck keeping him off the court. :)

it is very cool that you and kristi are such good friends. i had been making a few connections and wondering how well you knew each other but a 20-year friend? wow! i'm so glad her daughter's surgery went well.
January said…
Deb, Carolee: Yes, Kristi and I are from the Tidewater area of Virginia (Norfolk/Virginia Beach). I think that blogging (certainly e-mail has brought us closer.)

Thanks for stopping by her blog. She really is the sweetest, funniest person I know.
January said…
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers regarding Kristi's family, and for Tim's knee surgery.

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