Poetry Round-up

If you're looking for some solid advice on how to put together a manuscript, read "Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Poetry Manuscript: Some Ideas on Creation and Order" by Jeffrey Levine, editor in chief, Tupelo Press. From the January 2007 issue of AWP Job List.


Terrance Hayes has a new chapbook out titled, The Day I Got Burned I Wanted To Be Burned. A review is up at The Rumpus:

If you like Hayes, if you like little books, if you like political poetry, or, if you are like me and like all three, you’ll find this book compelling. Tactily pleasing, the physical properties of the book accentuate Hayes’s muscular poems. It’s a great marriage of author and publisher.

Read the full review.


A review of Jennifer Jean's In the War is up at Fiddle Crab Review (check out the right side of the page).


Have you been reading Oliver de la Paz's blog? He's been working on three manuscripts simultaneously and using his blog for his process notes. Poems are posted and taken down within a day, but his notes are fascinating. And, I'm in awe of his dedication.


Jennifer Jean said…
great/thoughtful rumpus article--the author's Flannery O'Conner quote was spot on advice regarding tone and level/manner of reveal in a poem:

“When you can assume that your audience holds the same beliefs you do, you can relax a little and use more normal means of talking to it; when you have to assume that it does not, then you have to make your vision apparent by shock—to the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost-blind you draw large and startling figures.”

also--thanks for the shout-out!!!
drew said…
Really helpful manuscript notes. Thanks for sharing.

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