The Manuscript That Just Won't Quit

I'm in the process of updating my first poetry manuscript, and it has been PAINFUL. Some of these poems, I've loved and carried around for years. Others, I liken to problems that I just haven't solved yet. But I'm happy to say that I like its overall tone and feel.

By far, the hardest part has been finding an order. At this writing my poems are in four sections, 55 pieces total, but I'm considering using two sections: a division into the personal and the private.

Now this is the best part--it is such a thrill to hold my life's work in my hands. Next to my marriage and my family, these poems are what I cherish most.

Next Steps

1. Update to-do list
2. Update poems with my hard copy edits
3. Reorder poems
4. Write acknowledgements and notes pages
5. Send to friends on Friday for first look

Also, here are some book titles I'm considering, from the titles of poems in the collection:

*The Underlife
*Drinking and other poems
*The Small Plans
*Rough Country
*Always There's Something

Any thoughts? Also, I don't have a poem called "Worth," but I hope to write one for Poetry Thursday.


claireylove said…
I like 'The Small Plans' :-)

I went for 'Peony' for mine, that idea of a fleeting beauty and waiting for it to come around again.

It's so precious to hold that manuscript in your hand, isn't it? Utterly magnificent!
January said…
Thanks BB.

I wish you well on your manuscript. I like Peony--such a lovely and evocative image.
Catherine said…
I like "The Small Plans", too. Have you looked within the poems for possible titles? Often there is a phrase that will resonate - in our group book, my section was "A Thread Between Islands" which somehow seemed to fit many of the poems, even though the context was quite different from the poem I had taken it from.
Anyway, congratulations on making it this far!
Writer Bug said…
Yes, a big congrats! I like these three titles best:

*Drinking and other poems
*The Small Plans
*Always There's Something

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