Poetry To-Do List
Poetry To-Do List
Since I’m constantly inspired by Writer Bug, and since I’m feeling a bit like I should put up or shut up, I’m posting my poetry to-do list for October. And maybe, just maybe, by making my list public I can get something done for a change.
Since I’m constantly inspired by Writer Bug, and since I’m feeling a bit like I should put up or shut up, I’m posting my poetry to-do list for October. And maybe, just maybe, by making my list public I can get something done for a change.
This weekend
Write three poems. (I have ideas for all of them.)
Mail poems to two journals. (I have a growing list of places I’d like to send my work.)
Week 2
Start to revise and reorder poems for manuscript.
Read a book of poetry that I bought from the Dodge Festival.
Week 3
Attend one poetry reading locally.
Write one poem.
Work on manuscript.
Week 4 (end of month)
Hand off manuscript to fellow poets for critique.
Write one poem.
Mail poems to two journals.
Hmmmm … what else should I be doing?
and three poem's this weekend? mmmm, a dreamy target :-)
Making a list for November?
(just kidding)
Good luck with reaching your goals!
But really, if I get this list done I will feel as if I've had a successful month without taking too much time away from family.
Write on