congrats Jan! this is one of my favs from your book. good luck tonight. (also...i have to did you get the poem there? or is it the work moving itself foward into the world now? in some ways i hope its the latter. it's always nice for the poems to do the work of getting notice without our vigilance...)
Thanks Jennifer. I wish I could say it was my doing, but I think my publisher played a role in getting the book to the AAP. It's nice the poem (and the book) are getting a day of attention.
Terrific, January! I don't pay enough attention to their poem of the day - perfect example of why I should.
Anonymous said…
i was so excited when i saw this in my inbox (i receive them every day). a local poet here even forwarded his copy to me and said, "hey, isn't this your friend?" i said, "yeah, baby!" yeah, baby! yeah, baby!