Jim Brock's Review of Underlife

Oh, happy day! Jim Brock is back in the blogosphere with a new blog, Gods and Money. His fourth collection, Gods and Money, will be published by WordTech Editions later this year.

He has kindly written a review of Underlife, and I couldn't be happier. Here's a excerpt:

I had ordered Underlife as a text in my "Poetry and the Other Arts" class at Florida Gulf Coast University--I was coupling this book with Denise Duhamel's Kinky to explore dynamics of popular culture in contemporary American poetry. The students' reactions were mixed, mostly favorable, and January's poems gave us opportunities to talk about issues of accessibility and narrative poetics. The strength and weakness of her work reside in those very qualities, although I would argue that the book demonstrates a considerable range with formal experimentations, with sophisticated moments of dissociative improvisations.

Read more at Jim's blog. Nice to have you back, my friend!


Dufflyn said…
Poet Mom! Good stuff! Happy Mother's Day.

January said…
Thanks. Hope you enjoyed the day, too.

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