Cave Canem/Kundiman Reading
Today starts the craziness that is AWP, but last night there was nothing but love in the room at the Cave Canem/Kundiman reading. These two groups have grown and flourished out of a need to share common experiences. The success of the fellows in each group is a testament to the power of community.
Most of the pictures are up on Facebook, but here's a few for the blog:
A few things ...
So I'm sitting in the audience, speaking with poets Jacqueline Lamon and J.D. Scrimgeour. All of a sudden I hear, " ... little nut bags... ." I turn to the stage to hear Tara Betts reading my poem, "Poem About Nuts." If you don't know the poem, it's ... shall we say ... not for all audiences. Good thing I was among friends. *big smile*
I'm telling you, the most overheard line I heard last night--and I anticipate more of the same today--was, "I think we're friends on Facebook." Ah, the power of FB!
Much, much more to come!