The Blogger Blues

Is it me or is Blogger sucking for a lot of people out there? I can't post on several Blogger blogs, including my own.

Of course, you can't tell me because you probably won't be able to post here.

*I'm sad and blue.*


claireylove said…
Blogger totally sucked for me yesterday - of all the days - didn't it know that it was POETRY THURSDAY for chrissake!!!!!!
January said…
I was thinking the same thing. I guess the Blogger powers that be don't know how important Poetry Thursday is!

jz said…
I madse the mistake of switching to the new blogger and now I can't switch back.

I'm about ready to toss my computer into the ocean and go back to yellow legal pads and nothing else.
January said…
That's how I felt when I made the switch. Yet, I'm too lazy to switch over to wordpress or typepad.

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