Sunday Scribblings: I Have a Secret

One of the best posts on my blog was a Secrets post, where people could leave a secret anonymously and “confess.” Feel free to check it out.

Today, I invite you to post anonymously and share a secret.

*For this to work, I’m declaring this a safe space. No judgements. No peeking at the site meter.*


Herb Urban said…
I once saw my great grandmother topless when I was five years old. Only my therapist knows my secret, until now.
Herb Urban said…
Damn, that was supposed to be an anonymous comment!
Well, I will chk and read the secrets...:D
Anonymous said…
I hate peanut butter.
Kamsin said…
Hi January, I have a secret...I have tagged you over on my blog. OK, it's not really a secret at all. Do hope you'll play along, but totally understand if you choose not to!
Anonymous said…
I love peanut butter. On toast with cheese! People used to make fun of me for eating it, but I loved it so I'd eat it anyway!
lisrobbe said…
On days when I wake up in the middle of the night I love to eat dark chocolate that I have stashed in the fridge.

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