Can you believe Labor Day is almost here? Where has the summer gone?
Just spent the morning at the beauty shop. Instantly, I feel better after I get my hair done. Also, I get my monthly dose of hair-care tips and life counseling! Now I’m at Starbucks waiting on a friend and I’m completely happy. Simple pleasures, my friends. Simple pleasures.
After the Trashfinder’s event on Thursday night, I realized that I don’t have any going-out clothes. I either have work clothes or mom clothes, but nothing in between. *Sadness* Time to save up my pennies and buy a new dress or something to show off my legs. *smile!*
I was so busy this week, I forgot to mention that one of my baseball poems was posted at Bardball. Check it out!
A few personal projects have shifted off of my plate, so I’m ready to write again. The plan is to write four poems in four days. Will post them, good or bad, on the blog. Maybe what I’m missing from my writing life is accountability. It’s probably time for me to review my to-do list as well.
While I don’t have a publication date, I think it’s safe to say that my book, Underlife, will be published in three months. Time to start thinking about my book launch party. Yikes! Again, it’s time for a new dress.
Time to start revising manuscript #2 again.
I’m reading three times during the Mass Poetry Festival, once on Thursday and twice on Saturday. I’m pretty psyched, I must say. Hope you can come out for one or all of the readings.
Listening to "Make It Happen" by Mariah Carey. Caught myself singing out loud a few times.
I also feel so good after going to the salon. My stylist & his partner always give me green tea, scones and chocolate. Love that. I feel so nurtured there.
Also, I need to be accountable as well, so I'd definitely be open to being your accountability partner in September is you want to email me. I did a terrible job of submitting last year and it kind of bums me out.
Hope all is well.
Yes, time to plan your launch party!!!
btw, have you tried e-bay or consignment shops for going-out clothes? i find some of the best deals in these places, often brand new with tags! with e-bay, i pick the brands that i'm familiar with so i know that i'm getting the right size :)
Warm water, head back in the sink, opportunity to close ones eyes in the daytime, sitting in a comfortable chair that swivels, and it's all about gettin' styled for a is the frame to our faces and the way the world sees us at least for a glimpse. Practice acts of kindness often and freely to yourself. Good goin' J.