NaPoWriMo 29

Now that we're at the end of NaPoWriMo, I'm all caught up!

Object Permanence

If she cups her hands over her eyes
I cease to exist. And if I am lucky
I do, disappearing into the sun of her smile
like a balloon tethered to nothing,
which makes it easier to watch the years
float away, rise in her giggles
at the end of the day
like a woman coming home after work,
indebted for those little pleasures
that rise to hug your neck so tight
you wonder if it all
just might break.


Catherine said…
I like this very much, though I got a bit confused from around the middle onwards. Does it say exactly what you meant it to say? I'm not quite sure.
I'm feeling itchy to finish, but I'm waiting for the last prompt. I guess it will be May 1st here when I finally finish (that's what you get for being a day ahead of the rest of the world!)
Anonymous said…
Congrats on all your success this month. It's been wonderful reading and writing, but like you, I'm eager to move on. :)

I like this poem, and the first line.
January said…
Thanks Brian! I'm glad for the experience but boy has it been a lot of work.
January said…
Catherine, admittedly, the middle is a little awkward, but I like the poem as a whole so I'll work on it and see what happens.
Kristine said…
This is sweet.

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