Confession Tuesday

Forgive me, for I have sinned. It's been a week since my last confession … and boy what a week it's been! Happy Tuesday, folks.

Don't forget to say hello to my fellow sinners doin' time in The Confessional.

Later today, the e-vites for my book launch party will go out. I mean, this is all actually happening (read: this sh*t is real. Sorry, I had to go there.).

Also, I have to figure out how many books to order for the launch and send out the e-vite (Oh dear lord— TODAY!). Then I have to figure out the food, find a dress, get a babysitter… I’m just FREAKING OUT!

Breathe in. Breathe out. It’s all good, Jan. It’s all good.


I’m starting to work out in the mornings at home. Didn’t think I was out of shape until I tweaked a calf muscle doing squats. Ugh.


I don't think I look like Michelle Obama but people tell me I do, so there must be some truth to it.


While the Poetic Asides challenge is rolling along—poem 17 is due today—I have 15 written. And while it’s a little early, I can definitely see an arc in the subject matter. That’s terrific because it usually takes months for me to see how the poems “live” with each other. So the question becomes: Do I take a fresh look at manuscript #2 to add in these poems, or do I view this grouping as a separate entity? Hmmmmm.


Just occurred to me that I have my writers’ group tonight, so I can ask them about it.


The arc in my poetry mirrors the arc of my life, which is a good thing. I'm happy these poems exist.

I heard a quote over the weekend (can't remember who said it), but it really resonated for me:

"Even though there is so much darkness in the world, no one can stopping from creating as much light as we want."


Lenovo has fixed my mini-laptop free of charge! It should be back from the mother ship in a day or so.


Started Christmas shopping over the weekend—and so did most of North America, apparently. It felt good to cross a few toys and things off the list. I’m cutting back this year like everyone else. The kids have so much stuff already that I’m working hard to show them the less commercial side of the holidays.

If you’re a friend of mine, know that you are loved but probably not getting a gift from me. If you do, it will be a craft!


Jessie Carty said…
Love to hear more about your book release party planning!

I'm feeling kind of dumb trying to figure out what to do for mine :)
Catherine said…
Who thinks you look like Michelle Obama? If they are white, I would wonder whether they think all African-American women look the same.

On the other hand, if your family thinks you look like Michelle Obama, then there may be more truth in it - though from your photos, I can certainly tell you apart quite easily :)

Hope the book launch is great, I wish I could be there!
January said…
Catherine, you are too funny! I wasn't going to mention teh black-white aspect. But yes, the people who say that are white, which is fine.

Hope you are well. I wish you could be here, too.
January said…
Thanks Jessie. Any time you want to talk party planning, e-mail me at
Heidi G said…
On my Wish List this year is... a cherished homemade craft from my 2 favorite elves A & E.

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