Good Stuff

What is it about my kids and Old Navy mannequins? Maybe it's the dog.
All caught up on my poem a day challenge ... for now. (read: vicious cycle) Feels pretty good to have 10 poems written.
Looks like Underlife will ship in early December instead of late November. *sigh* You can always pre-order the book from and get a jump on your holiday shopping!
Forgot to mention in my Confessions that I’ve written an article for Read Write Poem called, “How to Sing, or the Fine Art of Reading Poetry in Front of an Audience.” Check it out!
A few days ago, I found online one of the best made-for-TV poetry series I’ve ever seen. It’s called Voices and Visions, produced by PBS and the Annenberg/CPB Project. The one-hour bios document the life and death of the following 13 poets:
Elizabeth Bishop
Hart Crane
Emily Dickinson
T. S. Eliot
Robert Frost
Langston Hughes
Robert Lowell
Marianne Moore
Sylvia Plath
Ezra Pound
Wallace Stevens
Walt Whitman
William Carlos Williams
You can see clips of these bios, but you can also watch the full episodes on demand for free.
My Lenovo mini-laptop is back with Lenovo for repairs. I'll miss you, old friend. Be well. Come home soon.
Thinking of my dad today on Veterans Day. Hi dad!
underlife is definitely on top of my amazon list. can't wait!
Also, can I order my book directly from you? I like to buy from poets directly when possible.
Looking forward to December...