November To-Do's

Four days into the challenge and I'm a day behind! Would have written #3 last night but Ella woke up and kept me up past midnight. That's prime writing time.

I do have a poem written, but I want to hold it until later. It's my poem-in-the-bank poem. If there's such a thing as a poetry savings account, this is my "emergency fund" poem. Hate to dip into the account on day 4.

Enough of the savings metaphors ...


In October, I prepared for the Mass Poetry Festival, wrote one of the two articles I needed to write, and reviewed galleys, and started--but did not finish--a long poem. This month ... well ... is just fugly!

November To Do List

  1. PAD Challenge
  2. Submit request to read at a large poetry event in NJ (you know which one)
  3. Plan Underlife book launch party. Woo hoo! (Consider yourself invited.)
  4. Finalize video projects #1 and #2
  5. Write two articles for B&C
  6. Read Collin's book (*sigh* Sorry Collin.)
  7. Interview with Joseph Legaspi
  8. Build Web site
  9. Update marketing plan (and start implementing it)
  10. Coordinate reading dates
  11. Apply for a Artist Fellows Grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council
  12. I know there's something else ...

My head hurts.


Jessie Carty said…
you to - do list always inspire me - mine seem to be the same every week - look for job, clean house, write... :)
Maya Ganesan said…
That's a MASSIVE to-do list, but you'll get through it all somehow. :)
January said…
It's all good. I complain about my to-do's, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Collin Kelley said…
No worries, January. I'm so behind on my reading, correspondence and blogging that I can't blame anyone for being overwhelmed. I'm trying to surface.

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